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Título: Simplified qualitative discrete numerical model to determinate cracking pattern in brittle materials by means of finite element method
Autor(es): Ochoa Avendaño, Jhon Freddy
Garzón-Alvarado, Diego
Linero Segrera, Dorian
Cerrolaza, Miguel
Tipo de licencia: Atribución – No comercial
Palabras clave: Computational fracture mechanics;Finite element method;Crack path prediction
Fecha de publicación: 2-jul-2017
Editorial: Hindawi
Resumen: This paper presents the formulation, implementation, and validation of a simplified qualitative model to determine the crack path of solids considering static loads, infinitesimal strain, and plane stress condition. This model is based on finite element method with a special meshing technique, where nonlinear link elements are included between the faces of the linear triangular elements. The stiffness loss of some link elements represents the crack opening. Three experimental tests of bending beams are simulated, where the cracking pattern calculated with the proposed numerical model is similar to experimental result. The advantages of the proposed model compared to discrete crack approaches with interface elements can be the implementation simplicity, the numerical stability, and the very low computational cost. The simulation with greater values of the initial stiffness of the link elements does not affect the discontinuity path and the stability of the numerical solution. The exploded mesh procedure presented in this model avoids a complex nonlinear analysis and regenerative or adaptive meshes.
Citación: APA 6th - Ochoa Avendaño, J. .F., Garzón-Alvarado, D., Linero Segrera, D. & Cerrolaza, M. (2017) Simplified qualitative discrete numerical model to determinate cracking pattern in brittle materials by means of finite element method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017 (ID 3861526), 1-14, doi:10.1155/2017/3861526
Aparece en las colecciones:Artículos de Revistas Indexadas - Grupo de Diseño Avanzado

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